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Regular Programming Has Resumed

I have officially made it to Los Angeles all in one piece! Hooray! That means my semi-regular blog updating will commence this month. For today, however, I just wanted to say that Rachel Alison Video is included in the Oh My Handmade Goodness Vendor Marketplace. Check...


It’s going to be a little quiet here on the blog. I’m in the process of moving from New York to Los Angeles, so it will be awhile before I’m back in the groove. In the interim, watch this pretty video. [vimeo width=”584″...

Make It Work

There are times when a marketing video is better than the thing it’s promoting. In the case of the new University of California logo, the video is far better than the thing it’s promoting. [vimeo width=”584″...

Music Monday – Neopolitan Dreams

I kind of can’t believe I haven’t posted this video on here yet. I adore it. [youtube width=”584″ height=”329″][/youtube]”Neopolitan Dreams” by Lisa Mitchell. I love single-shot...